Notorious D-A-D
Okay, this has gone around quite a bit - but I find it hilarious, and thought I would add it for my own amusement, and for those who haven't seen it.
--How long is she going to keep talking?
Okay, this has gone around quite a bit - but I find it hilarious, and thought I would add it for my own amusement, and for those who haven't seen it.
Posted by
Working Gal
8:33 AM
say: true dat!
Okay, Christmas is over - will write a full review tomorrow, hopefully...
all went well, although not exactly according to plan.
Kids were adorable, and are now drowning in toys again.
I still have the same cold/sinus infection as I have had for the last two weeks, and tomorrow I get to get on a plane to go to Santa Fe where it will be 30 degrees and snowing. My wardrobe originates in Phoenix - I am not prepared for the cold....
Wish me luck.
Posted by
Working Gal
12:43 PM
1 say: true dat!
Hearkening back to my days in law school, my son, Brandelion, and I had an "argument." You see, about a year ago when he was 4 he just walked out the front door one day. By the time I figured it out, he was across the street and down about 4 houses. After catching up with him and simultaneously sobbing and yelling at him to "NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!!" I employed AtHomeHubby with the job of installing a lock of some sort on our front door, up high. So, for about a year we have had sort of a sliding lock (like a door chain)....
Long story short, when I got home today AtHomeHubby was in the back of the house with DramaQueen (age 2), and when I tried to open the front door, the latch was keeping it closed, so I couldn't get in. I was just about to call AtHomeHubby's cell phone, when I heard the door unlock. Brandelion had pushed an ottoman over by the door and undone the lock.
Here's the conversation:
Me: Hi ... did you unlock the door?
Brandelion: Yes! (Proud...) I helped you.
Me: Thanks, but what's the rule about opening the door? You're not supposed to do it AT ALL, even for mommy.
Brandelion: But, mom, I didn't open the door - I just helped!
Me: It's the same thing -- don't do it -- it's dangerous.
Brandelion: But I didn't do it, I just helped you do it!
Oh my god - He is splitting hairs just like a lawyer! Next I am going to have to explain accomplice liability - if you help commit a crime it is the same as being the one who committed it!
Posted by
Working Gal
6:52 PM
say: true dat!
Catergories: AtHomeHubby, Brandelion, DramaQueen, law school
So, I am done working for this year. For the next three days I will be in a training seminar with a bunch of cops - should be fun, or, at least, not work. Then, I am out of the office until January 2. Unfortunately, my grandmother died this weekend, and so I am faced with traveling to Santa Fe for a memorial service. It's sorta a relief because she had been in the hospital for 7 weeks, and then in hospice for a week. Her death allows me 5 days of "bereavement" leave - hence the absence from the office the rest of December.
I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself at home - but, we are hosting AtHomeHubby's family for Christmas - so, time to start making fudge and cleaning the house! AtHomeHubby seems excited to have me home for a couple of weeks. Hopefully the kids will enjoy it too!
It should allow for more posts about the cute stuff the kids do and say...I've got to write it down, because, looking back, I realize how much I have already forgotten!
Posted by
Working Gal
7:36 AM
say: true dat!
Catergories: AtHomeHubby
Conversation today while AtHomeHubby was on the phone with Grandpa:
Me: Brandelion, do you want to say "hi" to Grandpa?
Brandelion (remember, he is only 5): No, I love Grandma more than Grandpa. I don't want to talk to him.
Me: Frantically looking to the phone to see if this was over heard....
--It wasn't heard by either AtHomeHubby or Grandpa - whew!
Posted by
Working Gal
1:11 PM
say: true dat!
Catergories: AtHomeHubby, Grandpa
Today has become one of those hectic days right before Christmas where I keep running the to-do lists in my head. So, I thought I would publish one of those lists here. Maybe writing it down will help.
Working Gal's Christmas List, 2006
1. DO NOT gain weight during the holidays - hopefully try to keep on track for losing.
2. Do not drive AtHomeHubby crazy with need for holiday perfection
3. Finish on-line Christmas shopping without having to pay for "priority shipping."
4. Mail gifts to out-of-town relatives
5. Keep up with going-on with Mom and Dad re: DeeDee's status
Now - off to go work out (go me!) and then back to work...
Posted by
Working Gal
11:32 AM
say: true dat!
Catergories: AtHomeHubby, Christmas