Wednesday, February 7, 2007

A little bit, honey, just a little

A few months ago, Brandelion and I were having one of our Sunday afternoon, just me and him trips to the grocery store. I try to do this a couple of times a month - I like to have the time alone with him, away from his dad and his sister. I always try to make is special (usually by buying him something - I am not above bribery) and always tell him how much I like it when it is just me and him.

We had just pulled into the parking space, when he hit me with it,

Mom, when I was a baby, how did I get in your tummy?

*PANIC ALARM goes off in my head....desperately trying to remember all of the so-called parenting books I had read. I'm sure this was a topic, but my mind is going blank!!!*

Then I remember the standard advice: Just answer the question at a level he can understand and don't give him too much information.

So I answered the following way,

When a mommy and daddy love each other very much they make a little tiny baby, and the baby grows in the mommy's belly.

Whew, that wasn't too bad, let's hope he doesn't ask (1) how the baby is made or (2) precisely how it gets in the belly.

He replies, How did I get out?

Well, sweetie, when it was time for you to get out, Mommy went to the hospital and the doctors, nurses, and even Daddy helped me push you out.

Then, in the sweetest, most loving, and slightly shocked voice,


In my head I'm thinking: "hell yes it hurt!! Like nothing else. In fact the only thing that has ever hurt worse in my entire life was giving birth to your sister! And the stiches, oh, the stiches I had!"

Instead I said,

A little bit, honey, just a little.


LID said...

Until he's 14... and then you can say, "You know how much pain you caused me... bringing your a** into this world!" "You owe me boy!" Ah, a mother's guilt... nothin' like it!

Mike said...

Boy, I hope The Talekr asks his mom first. I'd probably just give some sarcastic answer and screw him up for life...

Angel said...

LOL.... excellent job! My son hasn't asked specific things and he's 7. He knows he was in my tummy and he knows he came out but he hasn't asked as of yet. *phew* My sister used my c-section to tell her oldest that my son came out a zipper in my belly. *rolls eyes* but my daughter was a natural birth and so I get to explain both.

Great job!!!

Hey! I'm putting a link to you on my blog so I can check your posts quicker, I hope you don't mind!!