Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's a sad moment

Brandelion told me a story at dinner last night that both broke my heart and reminded me that he is getting older, and as he goes into school next year we are facing a whole new set of issues.

He has a long red Superman cape he got for Christmas a couple of years ago. He goes through phases with it, and, I guess yesterday he decided to wear it to the park in our neighborhood.

Here's his story, in his words (paraphrased, and what I can remember):

We went to the park today and those boys made fun of me. They said, "you're not Superman" and "superman, superman" (sing-song mocking tone of voice).

He told me that it made him sad, because he was just "pretending" to be Superman. He seemed to take it in stride, but still...ouch. The good thing is, he is tall and broad for his age, and so hopefully he won't get too picked on by kids his own age - it's the older kids that are a problem. My other concern, of course, is that he doesn't become a bully because he is so big.

Can't we just skip straight to college?


LID said...

Three words... MEAN KIDS SUCK! If it were up to me they could play "pretend" forever. But now he'll be self conscientious about it -- that's sad. No worries on him becoming a bully, you guys sound great -- he'll know what to do!

Working Gal said...

Thanks for the seems like a small thing, but also such a loss of innocence.

Angel said...

We have been there and are going through that. I asked a mom the other day, "how are such young kids already so mean?" She surmised it's what they see at home.

We try to tell my son not to start something but he doesn't have to take it. We don't tell him to fight but to walk away or stand up for himself and in the end he has us to talk to afterward. That's the best thing, to know they have their mom and dad to talk to.

Sorry he had a moment like that. If the world was perfect there wouldn't be people/kids like that.